The Current 24 Red States
JOB Creation
Let's see what the red state records are for the Republican Party
Note: Washington, D.C., formally the District of Columbia is a territory and not a state, nor is it part of any U.S. state. It is surrounded by the state of Maryland on the northwest, northeast, and southeast and bordered by the state of Virginia, across the Potomac River, on the west and southwest.
For some reason, most state comparison websites include District of Columbia as a state. Again it is not. Maybe they are trying put some balance into their reporting of red state misfortune.
*Sources are under each chart
The States That Are Most Reliant on Federal Aid
Seven of the 10 states most dependent on the federal government were Republican-voting, with the average red state receiving $1.24 per dollar spent.
Thirty-one states sent more to the federal government than they received, slightly higher than the 29 states in 2022.
Of the states that sent more than they received, 48% were Democrat-voting, and 52% were Republican-voting.
New Mexico had the highest return on federal spending of any state ($3.42 per dollar spent), and Delaware had the lowest ($0.46 per dollar spent).
Highest Poverty Rates
Total Quality of Life Score: Quality of life + Affordability + Economy + Education/Health + Safety (Higher Score is best)
Quality of Life chart is by state ranking
States with the Worst Quality of Life in 2022
Louisiana has ranked the worst state in the nation since 2017 due to low performance across all metrics, especially crime and education concerns. Louisiana leads the nation in homicide and has the country's highest rate of incarceration. Poverty levels in the state are also high, with nearly a fifth of residents living at or below the poverty line. Troubles in Louisiana have been compounded in recent years by a number of natural disasters that have taken an additional toll on the state's financial and infrastructure systems.
Mississippi ranks the second-worst state in the country according to the U.S. & World News report. The state has been at the bottom of rankings since 2017 due to low levels of healthcare access, poor health outcomes, high poverty rates, and an educational system in crisis. Nearly a fifth of residents have no access to healthcare. Meanwhile, the state has the nation's highest prevalence of obesity, at 38.7%. Per capita income is the country's lowest, at $25,300 a year.
New Mexico is another state that has a long history at the bottom of quality of life rankings. New Mexico's educational outcomes are the lowest in the nation, with a quarter of students failing to graduate from high school. Poverty levels are high, with 17% of residents living at or below the poverty level. Poverty metrics are worse for children, of whom a quarter experience poverty, the highest rate in the nation.
West Virginia ranks fourth lowest in the nation on quality of life metrics due to poor infrastructure and low economic opportunity. Nearly a third of the state's roads are in need of repair and much of the critical infrastructure is nearing the end of its lifespan. Educational attainment in West Virginia is some of the lowest in the country, with less than a quarter of residents holding a Bachelor's degree or higher. Fourteen percent of residents live in poverty, one of the nation's highest rates.
Alabama ranks fifth in the nation for quality of living metrics due to trouble in its education, healthcare, and infrastructure systems. Education Weekly's Quality Counts analysis gave the state a D+ due to low levels of student performance and a slow rate of improvement. Alabama's residents have the lowest level of access to providers in the country, while rates of depression, obesity, and diabetes are some of the nation's highest.
States with highest violent crime rates and highest crime rates
Teen Pregnancy Rates by State
Residents Without College Degrees
Lowest IQs
5 States with highest STD Rates
Drug Use by State 2024
Depression Rates and Drug Death Rates
Healthiest States 2024
Least Healthy States 2024
1. Louisiana
Overtaking Mississippi, Louisiana is the most unhealthy state according to data collected in 2021. They have the second-highest rate of mental distress (17.6%), the third-lowest life expectancy of 73.1, the eighth-highest rate of multiple chronic disorders (12.3%), and over 30% of their population has gotten a confirmed COVID-19 case. About 30.8% of Louisiana’s residents report no regular exercise, the fifth-highest for that statistic.
2. Alabama
Alabama is the second most unhealthy state in the United States. Over 15% of the population experiences frequent mental distress, 14.3% experience multiple chronic conditions, and the fourth lowest life expectancy of 73.2 years. Even though the state has a high percentage of high school graduation and a low prevalence of excessive drinking, it has the third highest rate of obesity at 39%. Alabama also has the second-highest infant mortality rate at 8.2 deaths per 100,000 people.
3. West Virginia
Coming in at number three, we have West Virginia. It has the highest number of drug deaths of any state at 48.3 deaths per 100,000 people. West Virginia also has the second-highest obesity rate at 39.1% and the highest adult smoking rate at 25.2%. Other figures that set them back include the rate of frequent mental distress (17.5%), the percentage of prediabetics in the state (34.8%), and the second-lowest life expectancy of 72.8.
4. Kentucky
Kentucky residents struggle with a high prevalence of issues. They have the second-highest rate of multiple chronic conditions (16.1%), the third-highest rate of COVID-19 cases over the course of the pandemic (35.7%), and the fifth-lowest life expectancy of 73.5. Kentucky also has an adult smoking rate is 23.4%, the second-highest in the country. Kentucky, however, does have a high percentage of high school graduation, a low prevalence of excessive drinking, and a low violent crime rate.
5. Arkansas
The fifth most unhealthy state is Arkansas, with the highest rate of frequent mental distress, the fourth-highest rate of multiple chronic conditions, and the ninth-highest rate of obesity of 36.4%. Sadly, Arkansas residents also have the 6th lowest life expectancy in the nation at 73.8.
Life Expectancy State Leaders
States With The Worst Life Expectancy
• Utah has the highest percentage of online porn usage in the United States, with 36% of internet users searching for porn.
• Hawaii has the lowest percentage of online porn usage in the United States, with only 17% of internet users searching for porn.
• Mississippi ranks highest in searches for terms related to interracial porn.
• West Virginia has the highest percentage of searches for LGBT porn in the U.S.
• Alaska has the highest percentage of searches for furry porn in the U.S.
• Vermont has the highest percentage of searches for bondage porn.
• New Mexico has the highest percentage of searches for alien porn.
• Maine ranks highest in searches for MILF (Mother I'd Like to F*).
• Kentucky ranks highest in searches for incest porn.
• Oregon has the highest percentage of searches for lesbian porn in the U.S.
• Louisiana ranks highest in searches for cheerleader porn.
• Delaware has the highest percentage of searches for bukkake porn.
• New Hampshire has the highest percentage of searches for cougar porn.
• Rhode Island ranks highest in searches for cuckold porn.
• Alabama has the highest percentage of searches for hentai porn in the U.S.
Red States Are Also the Most Religious!
Why doesn't Religion or Republicans help fix any of these issues?
Republican: Supply-Side Economics AKA: TRICKLE-DOWN ECONOMICS AKA: Reaganomics AKA: Reverse Robin Hood
Republicans have overseen the largest transfer of wealth from the poor and middle-class, to the rich, in history. In return, the rich gave republicans "political contributions" aka kick-backs. The rich pay millions to make billions.
Republicans believe in Reverse Robin Hood. They steal from the poor and give to the rich. They convince the poor and middle class that they themselves are the fault of economic injustices. Since trump they convince people to blame "others" and minorities, in a mass revival of extreme xenophobia and racism.
Then they oppose all social safety net programs. They call that "socialism." Giving taxpayer money back to the taxpayers, is socialism to Republicans. Instead, Republicans, send your money to the offshore accounts of their millionaire and billionaire donors. That money completely leaves the economy. Tax breaks for the rich and tax-payer funded subsidies are the real socialism.
Now, in this research above, everyone can see the results of corrupt Republican governing
5 Reasons Why Supply-Side Economics Does Not Work. Many of the claims made by supply-siders have been disproven over the years
Trump's backers "are fine with stealing from the poor to give to the rich," said one critic. "And the rich pay Trump off to gain this favor."
2016 Articles
House Republicans got next to nothing from their extortion strategy of taking the government and the economy hostage, but they are sure to continue obstructing programs that could create jobs and start rebuilding the middle class. What they won't recognize is the abject failure of Reaganomics.
For Much More
Exposing Donald Trump, the Trump Crime Family, & the Republican Terrorist Organization behind him. Directory to 100s of articles & resources with 1000s of sources to help you decide your 2024 vote
The American Economy and American Citizens Are Much Better Off Now Than They Were 4 Years Ago! Comparing the Booming Biden/Kamala Harris Economy to the Disastrous Trump Recession & Economic Collapse
Why you should vote for Kamala Harris. See her full Resume, Achievements, Accomplishments, 82 Page Plan/Platform, and Endorsements
How Donald Trump Deliberately Sabotaged America Just Before Leaving Office and During the Past 4 Years: Covid-19, Border Crisis, Afghanistan, Gas Prices, Inflation, & Health Care (7 Parts)
Social Security
Donald Trump's War on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid and the Long History of the Republican Crusade to Privatize, Raise the Age For, Cut, Gut, Sunset, and Abolish them Entirely
Health Care
The Trump & GOP 13 Year (2011) Health Care "CONCEPTS OF A PLAN" Sabotage Con Job & 7 Year Crusade & Vindictive Obsession To Repeal American Health Care, Just to Destroy President Obama's Legacy