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Writer's pictureClark Kent

Donald Trump's Legacy of Kids In Cages Terrorism & Cruelty - Kidnapping Children at the Border & Imprisoning Them Indefinitely to Discourage Immigration - One of Trump's Worst Crimes Against Humanity

Republicans plan to put kids in cages again!

Trump's Future Attorney General, Mike Davis (2023/2024)

Trump's Kids in Cages Historical Record

500,000 Kids, 30 Million Hours: Trump’s Vast Expansion of Child Detention. U.S. Customs and Border Protection carried out almost half a million child detentions during the Trump administration, data shows. More kids were held for 72 hours or more.

USA: How the Trump administration violated children's rights

Trump’s Policy of Putting Kids in Cages: Six Dead, Thousands Separated From Parents, Making America Great Again?

Our Immigration Policy Has Done Terrible Damage to Kids


The Trump administration had a 2018 policy that led to the separation of more than 5,500 children from their parents by immigration officials at the border when they crossed into the U.S. illegally.

The Biden-Harris administration rescinded that policy.

The Trump campaign pointed to data about children who came to the U.S. alone without a parent or guardian. Those children were not separated from their parents by U.S. border officials.

For Further Research:

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